Family life has overtaken my blog.....of course all things fiber/beading are still very much in my thoughts, but right now, projects are on hold until I return to NC in a few days. What is probably ho hum posts for you readers is really big fun for me. With the kids living clear across the country, we miss even the most mundane things such as the process of decorating a room, so I'm really enjoying the involvement during this visit.
Since big city living is so foreign to me, it's been exciting to explore their residential area of Noe Valley . I hope to be back soon to lend a hand as they slowly make this house their home.

I was forcibly retired from painting after about 5+ hours. I'd literally developed a huge blister from holding the paint brush while painting trim & the louver doors. Of course I ignored it too long and now have a hole in my skin. Sorry for the graphic photo, but what mother wouldn't work the skin off her fingers for her kids!?!?

He's on the road most of the time, and in fact will be heading off to London later today......but when in the office, his view includes the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance with the city below.