I've traveled to SFO to lend a hand at some decorating chores for the 'perfect child', and his 'perfect wife, in their new (1907 old) recently purchased house. The home has great bones but is in need of some renovations and love.
While the kids worked yesterday, Kelly's Mom (who is also 'perfect') and I removed wall paper.

Tests gave us hope that stripping it would be easy......how optimistic we were!

Whoever applied the paper, which had been on for years and years, must have decided it would stay in place forever. I'm guessing they used 10 times more wall paper paste than necessary. The handsome woodwork, tall ceilings, striking staircase (not quite
visible), will be better showcased, once the paper is removed and the walls are painted.

Kelly's Mom, Keiko still has a smile on her face as we turn corner # 1.

SUCCESS!!! I'll admit, my bones are a bit stiff today....next step is to get all the remaining paste off the walls, give everything a good scrubbing, before painting. It's fun seeing this come together as the kids make this home their own.