Drastic?? Not really, I'm ready to take my foot and stomp my computer to death.....but why???
It's already 90% there!

Well, my lap top (only 4 1/2 years old) has been acting up and now it won't even turn on. Naturally, just like when I had to replace my digital projector recently.....I have a trip right around the corner which allows very little time to deal with the problem.
What's frustrating me even more is the lack of quality shops here in Asheville.....this town has a big reputation, but it's really small.....we purchase almost everything over the internet. However, there is no option of overnight delivery service for a replacement lap top where we live, even if one was willing to pay for it. (It's silly.....we are only 12 mins. off I40 but they act like we are 100 years back in time!)

UPDATE - appx. noon on Tues. I soooo lucked out and got the MOST patient, knowledge tech at Apple's Support Center.......I want this young man (Logan - I think?) to give me private lessons....he was super. It's all good now!!!
"The husband" will hold down the fort as I take wing again.....my travel day tomorrow is 12 hrs. so, I'll chat when I can.....