Will chat again soon.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
QUILT FINALE!! (correction)
After class today, my long time friend Marilyn Smith drove over from Eau Claire to Rochester....we spent several hours lunching and catching up before she headed back home.
My shuttle is picking me up at 5:50 AM for the trip back to Minneapolis airport, so I had an early night spent with another long time pal.

Trish is quite the beader......after drooling over many of her nifty jewelry projects......she gave me this lovely bracelet. Thanks girlfriend!

Friday, June 27, 2008
One of the more challenging workshop I lead is a bead embellished felted wool scissors sheath class. The difficulty is the wide range of speed that students are able to work. Again, MN winters must allow quilters plenty of time to practice their hand sewing skills because these students sure have high skill levels.

I sure hope my students are getting a good nights sleep.....after 3 days of workshops...they need good energy and eye sight for my final beading workshop tomorrow....yet...there's always my DVD and books to help them along their way if I find time snoozing in class.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Long, cold Minnesota winters are not wasted on quilters who live in this state. I'm convinced they spend their time honing their skills......

More happy campers!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
It seems like years since I've been on a flight that wasn't completely full. Perhaps the high cost of airfares are finally keeping travelers at home. The first 2 flights I took today were nearly full, but not my third.

Well, no sooner did this thought float through my brain......then my eyes noticed the all too familiar green and white sign. So.....I haul all my heavy bags, trailing behind me and get in line. Suddenly....I think, well darn, I don't have enough hands to hold the cup. There are no tables, not that I had time to sit and enjoy the java, so how in the world was I going to carry the cup outside to catch my ride? I'll be dreaming of a skinny, vanilla, latte grande tonight.
I need to invent a cup holder for my suitcase.......yes, that's it......surely one could make a million bucks on that!! That will be part two of my dream tonight.
I have 23 students in a full days workshop tomorrow.....so I need to get turn my light out......
Monday, June 23, 2008
I planned on posting a photo of my alarm clock which is already set for 4:30 AM tomorrow. I'm heading to Rochester, MN to teach at Quilt Minnesota. Hope some of you are will be joining me!
I spent the day unpacking after arriving home last night from Quilt Colorado at 8:30 PM. Of course I had laundry to do, grocery shopping, paying bills, you know....'the wife' responsibilities!
With very little time to spare to catch up on the news, one item caught my attention. There's been a interesting report regarding an Alzheimer's study, which may bring researchers one step closer to understanding the cause, which may someday lead to prevention/cure. Hopefully, AAQI.
Nite, nite......
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Happy news...... according to Connie Brown....our own Asheville/Quiltworld person in the know.....there is good news to report.
Valaire Hearder's Quits have been found....read on: Stolen Quilts
I"m heading home to NC tomrorrow and will head out again next week when I share my workshops and lectures with the members of Quilt Minnesota.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
'Bead Embellished Wool Collage" was the subject of my second workshop at Quilt Colorado and the students really raised the bar with their creative designs. They are based on my book,"Embellishing With Felted Wool." Enjoy these works in progress.....

Thursday, June 19, 2008
I've been very fortunate to be included on Quilt Colorado's faculty so many times. This has lead to great friendships with the organizers and students. Tonight, nationally known designer/instructor Gail Garber and I were invited to join some friends for dinner at a home they rented just outside the Rocky Mountain National Park.

Check out this view from the deck of this fantastic rental property....

I wish you could smell this view!

Well, T might be for Tuesday......but it is not for Travel Day......I actually left my home on Tues. and overnighted at an airport hotel due to my early Wed. morning flight.
I'm sure YOU all knew what I meant.....just wanted you to know that I now realize that despite skipping Wednesday in my mind, I know today is Thursday. I'm up and about (too early) and will be heading over to the elementary school here in Estes Park to teach my full-day Beading Basics workshop.
I'm sure there will be lots to report later......one task is to get some photos of the stunning scenery here.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
A day in the life of a traveling quilt teacher begins at 3:30 AM......for my 5:45 AM flight departure to Charlotte to connect to Denver.....it's now 11:30 PM EST and I'm ready for sleep!

Well, well, well.....what did I find in the Charlotte airport? Why....it Jeff Gordons Nascar on display. It sure attracts attention.

As the plane departed Asheville.....I snapped this photo thru the plane's window of the sun rising. (Not that I need any photo to remind me how early I got up!)

Patchwork designs as seen at 20,000 feet over Nebraska.

So, Sue Nickels and I arrive within about 25 mins. of each other.....and Bobbie Aug was right there to fetch us. Hummmm, let's figure out how we are going to fit all these pieces into the back of this truck.

Sue to the rescue......she hopped into the truck and started rearranging as Bobbie and I loaded more and more pieces.......laughing all the way. We are proud of you Sue!!

After all that work, we had to get fed....so our 'driver' (Bobbie) escorted us to the local Cracker Barrel. First a potty stop, then we spotted quilts......so Sue presented an impromtu demo on machine stitching.......look at the wonderful job she did! Then Bobbi offered to appraise the quilt, but we ran out of time before I could bead it. Just kididng....
It's such a pleasure to teach at this fine show....glad I'm here with my many friends.....but now, I need to say nite, nite...... so I can continue my adventures tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
After nearly a month at home, I'm off to teach at Quilt Colorado, one of my all time favorite conferences! It's held in Estes Park, CO, a charming mountain valley town, surrounded by the Rocky Mountain National Park.
The show/conference is organized by the state wide Colorado Quilt Council and is held every two years. It's a massive amount of work for the dedicated volunteers to coordinate 16 national instructors, nightly banquets, and a fabulous show. I'm thrilled & flattered to asked to present the Friday night banquet lecture.
I'm truly looking forward to this event. So many of my favorite teacher buddies will be there,(how will I have time to teach??), plus the many student friends I've made during my last 5 previous shows. My first flight tomorrow is at an ungodly hour, but I'll have ample connection time in Charlotte to look forward to the drive up the mountain with Bobbie Aug and Sue Nickels....fun. Hoping I'll have internet access so I can share the events with you.
Till then......
Monday, June 16, 2008
A few days ago I posted about this ongoing project.....and now I'm reporting that progress is not going well. Normally, I draw my design onto stabilizer, which is basted to the wrong side of felted wool. Next, I machine stitch the lines to transfer the pattern to the right side, adding further stabilizing as I bead along the stitched lines.

I retained some of the poor feather placement on the left so you can see what didn't work. Now I've started over on the right. I've marking a line around the actual feather, so hopefully the outside shape will be more realistic. The feathers near the top will be much closer together and will curve around and up from the center motif.
Sure, it's frustrating to rip out hours and hours of stitching, but alas, I want it right, so here I go again.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Ya'd think after living here for two years, we'd be all settled in? NOT!! Recently we decided to complete furnishing our lower level which had been home to the 'man cave', but in reality was designed as a 3rd bedroom suite.

My friend Jan Vander Hill made the fabulous friendship star quilt as a sample for me to bead, which was then featured in my book, "Beading Basics". I was over the moon when she gave me the quilt to keep and I love that it fits so nicely in this space.

The jelly cupboard was originally in our great room and this too fits nicely into this newly created 'bedroom alcove'. Basements are not common here, something we are still struggling with since we do seem to accumulate 'stuff'. So finding furniture with storage is always a goal for me. The jelly cabinet is perfect for CD's.
We spent years collecting iron register grates, and David spent hours and hours grinding years of paint and grime before repainting them. We had over 20 different ones hung on the wall behind our freestanding wood stove in our Wisconsin home. Sadly, the buyers wanted them included as part of the purchase when we sold 2 years ago. Since real estate sales were already sagging then, we got practical and agreed. Fortunately, we have several spares and now found a place to display them.

Friday, June 13, 2008
I feel so fortunate to be included in a wonderful small fiber arts group that meets once a month, for lunch, if for nothing else! Each member is so talented and I always leave inspired.

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