Here's a rough overview of the steps involved with Nuno felting....I'm sure there are books on the subject, but since we had our own guru, Nancy Bruce.......we just followed her guidance.

Step 1. Lengths of hand dyed silk
gauze were arranged on a long table which was covered with a cut piece of a swimming pool cover. Traditional see-
thru bubble wrap can be substituted. Next, thin bits of hand-dyed wool
woving were arranged onto the gauze. Due to time constraints, we 'decorated' only the ends of our scarves.

Step 2. These layers were covered with a thin, almost sheer, nylon material. Having several hands helped to keep the roving from being disturbed as it was positioned. Next, cool water was worked into the layers.

Step 3. A bar of soap, fitted into a nylon sleeve was rubbed over the material.....along with more water until everything was fully saturated.

Step 4. The layers were carefully rolled up and tied tightly with strips of nylon (panty hose worked great for this task). Now the hard work began. Using the pressure of hand and arms, this 'log' was rolled back and forth on the table....for what seemed like hours....but was probably only 20 mins. This friction begins the process of matting the layers together so the fibers can work their way into the gauze.

Step 5. About every 50-100 rolls
of the 'log', it was unrolled and checked for signs that it was beginning to felt. Until the fibers stick to the
gauze (when they can no long be picked up between a finger and thumb), the rolling continues. Once it does, it's unrolled and more
agitation on just the scarf is required. This again means the addition of soap and water and lots of picking up of the material and slapping it down onto the table. This where it can get messy.
Martine's scarf has now felted.....notice how the
gauze has shrunk up and gotten distorted as the wool fibers have penetrated the material, becoming one.
Here's our happy 5 some....I've got a bubble wrap bib on because I wasn't smart enough to wear really old clothing. From left to right-back row....Martine House, Judy Simmons, Nancy Bruce, Patsy Thompson. Front row - yours truly.
I'll post some photos of the finished scarves asap.