Before the fun starts......sometimes ya gotta do your homework! Our 4th annual PTA 3 day retreat will be held early next week.
Three of us have decided to forego working on a personal project, instead we will be making a few small donation quilts. We are pooling our fabrics and pre-cutting as much as possible......don't ya know with all the chatting that goes on....we want to mindlessly sew rather than having to pay close attention to accurate cutting!
A huge thank you goes out to my friend Helen who recently decided to clean out her stash. Bless her heart (that's a Southern saying that I'm learning to adopt!) I was the recipient of 5 boxes. AND....girlfriends....the fabric is NOT's all good stuff! Yippie....
Our plan is to utilize the huge pile of black and white fabrics....pairing them with one color family of fabric. We 'think' we may have enough to have one quilt feature greens, one reds, and ??
So, I've been pressing and cutting for about 4 hours....with many more to go. Judy, Kate, and I have shared fabrics for previous retreats and realized doing our homework really took the pressure off at the retreat.