After a day of manual labor on Thurs., yesterday I planned a little R & R with my friend Lynn Koolish - Lynn's been my editor on several of my C & T projects and is an accomplished quilter and author herself. Her newest book (a June release is a follow up to her C & T DVD) its focus is about dying fabric. Check it out!
Lynn learned about a San Francisco non-profit creative re-use center, store, and workspace. It acts as a distribution center for donated materials which artists can purchase reasonable prices. It's called SCRAP - Scroungers Center For Reusable Art Parts.


Balls of yarn were recycled into an art piece by simply stringing them in vertical rows...who thinks of this stuff......WOW!
Naturally, we couldn't call ourselves quilters if we didn't find a place to have a meal. "The perfect child", lives in Noe Valley which is mostly residential, yet there are many shops, restaurants, and other stores sprinkled in the neighborhood. We found THE BEST authentic Mexican Restaurant on 24th Street, just East of Noe for lunch. My burrito was almost too pretty to eat.......but I did.....and despite the size, I nearly polished it off. It was beyond delicious.
After Lynn returned me to the 'Home Improvement Central', I got busy again cleaning light fixtures, among other tasks. Many of the fixtures are original to the home. It's stunning to see their gas fittings, which were once turned on by turning a key for each gas jet. I'll try to get back up on a ladder and take a's pretty amazing that these pieces have survived with most of the glass in tact.
It's now 7:00 AM - Sat. morning and time to don the work clothes again. Our goal today is to wash down the room we'd stripped and where 'the perfect child' sanded the walls yesterday'. We hope to get primer on the plaster and a coat of oil paint on all the trim before the end of the day. A bank of louvered doors may slow us down....but today there are three of us, Chris, Kelly, and myself, oh and Nali - their faithful black we expect good results.