I'm still at it...you won't think it'd take so long for me to find the time to stitch a few lines....well, a lot of lines.

This particular yardage has been a bear to work with. Despite stabilizing it with a fusible tricot interfacing and sewing with a walking foot....it's stretching, quite unevenly as I stitch. Secondly, the stitches often angle out of line. I've tried changing my needle, adding paper underneath as I sew, changing thread tensions....nothing worked so I just continued. Heck, this is for pillows, on a guest bed that probably no one will ever see but me. I suspect the problem is the combo of the French fuse interfacing and the limp, thinner than usual, very evenly woven material, and stitching on the bias.
What I wanted to share with you was my decision to stick with two colors of thread, rather than adding a third that would have been stitched horizontally across the material. This seemed like enough.....well, also had enough fighting the fabric, but enjoyed catching up on HGTV's Next Design Star series! I've now marked the finished size of my two pillow tops.