As is soooo typical with home little thing leads to the next, and the next and the next. Ours began in July when the deck replacement started. Well the work did, the planning and decision making whether or not to go down this path or move had been going on for nearly a year.
We are now officially finished....THE END!! Though this is generally a dedicated fiber blog, I do know our lives go beyond our passion/hobby/business. I've chatted/complained about the goings on around here, so hopefully you'll be interested in seeing the original and the current look of our home.
Of course this is probably everyone's vision of what a house in the Smoky Mountains should look like....what one doesn't realize is just how much maintenance all this wood requires.
We've eliminated lots of it....if our budget would have allowed, I'd have removed the log siding too.....but that's not to be...and probably best anyway. We now have a newer fresher look that buyers seek, plus the charm and what their imagination desires.
Longer view with a glimpse of the fall color which is just beginning to peak.
This was actually taken on our afternoon walk 2 days ago.....beautiful...and I did NOT do any Photoshopping to it.