Now that I've gotten over the shock of winter's arrival......seriously....I all but put it out of my mind in an effort to stop its arrival! Our temp. is a super cold 9 degrees.....I'm really beginning to believe we've been told a pack of lies about how 'mild' winters are here!! Schools have been closed for the last two days and lots of other activities canceled due to the snowy, icy roads. However, the sun is just coming out now so it should improve and now I'll shut up about it....I'm sure it's worse in other places!
Let's get back to chatting about Colorado Quilt Council. It's the state guild of Colorado, consisting of dozens of local chapters. Each month they meet in a different location around the state. December is their wrap up the business meeting was long.....starting at 9:30 presentation didn't begin until 11:20......and concluded about an hour later....just in time for their luncheon. It's been my pleasure to visit this guild well over a half of dozen times during my career, so it almost felt like many friends, familiar faces, and new pals to meet!
I'm guessing none of us really 'like' sitting through long meetings but I was so impressed with this one. The charter of this group is education but that doesn't mean they've ignored charity/volunteer which they are very active. They do amazing work!
The installation of new officers was also held. Though I've experienced many, many at various groups across the country, this one was special. First of's a large the work around!! But here's what was special. Each of the executive board members were individually called by name and a short job description was read.....asking them to verbally promise to carry out their duties. With that came a red rose.... It's vital to have volunteers and I think this gave the audience a real understanding (and hopefully appreciation) of the importance and dedication required to fulfill their duties. It was impressive!
Show and Tell probably took a good 30 mins.....and no one was blabbering excessively....they just had that many wonderful quilts to share. I wasn't seated in a location where picture taking was easy and unfortunately, I can't match quilt makers names to their pieces but I did ask for blanket permission to post any photos that didn't have someone's head smack in the here goes...

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