After discussion with their fellow bee keepers, Connie and Ted alerted us that they were coming back to rescue the bees along with their fellow bee keeper Cal. (His blog is sprinkled with a lot of information about bee keeping, check it out.)
Next, Ted cut a section from the top of the tree. This is done to see how far up the tree the hive is located.
There was no evidence that the hive was that far up the tree trunk, so now, a section was trimmed from opposite side, which is closest to the bee's opening.
This end is fairly rotten. The next step was to attempt to split the trunk open from the top to get a better view of where the hive is located.
Connie and Ted listen to the buzzing bees.
And.....cut again.
Finally, the hive is revealed.
Large and small sections of the honey comb are now visible. Along with lots of bees.
Unfortunately, I missed much of this recovery process because I had to head off to the Arboretum to present a lecture at the Asheville Quilt Guild's annual quilt show. Thank you to 'the husband' who documented these steps and happily didn't get stung!
The honey comb is cut to fit into the frames.
A local dog wandered in to see the too got stung!
After nearly 5 hours, the bees now have a new home. As it turned out, apparently in the nick of time since there was no honey in the hive for them to feed from. This was probably the result of the ongoing draught in Western North Carolina. The bee keepers believe they probably would have perished within a week.
This experience has been so educational for us and I hope for you readers too. Support your local bee keepers!
Great job with the story! Thanks!
Hi Mary,
That was really interesting. I don't know why anyone would want to do that, but I'm glad that there is someone out there saving bees!
I was told a while ago, bees and other insets are getting wiped out, to be bonest i have not seen many around our way this year
Great blog,
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