During my growing up years (hummm is that over??), we never had pets......well we did have 2 (outside) rabbits for awhile which disappeared one day in early winter. Later we found out my Mom gave them to someone....the pets became dinner. So sad..... But now that I think about it....what a practical thing to do when caring for a pet becomes impossible in frigid Wisconsin.

Rarely do I spent time watching online videos....heck, I don't have enough time in the day for the things I need to get done! However.....I encourage you to watch this one....you won't believe it. The last section is my favorite part (as I watched trying to pick my jaw up off the floor). Click here.
Oh that's awesome Mary!
My daughter loved it too.
I've seen it and love it! Cool dog! Here's another to make you smile - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcXX60tZZow
Absolutely awesome...We all loved it, (watched it several times), laughed ourselves silly - Mike wants that dog!!!!
OK, just way too cute!!! Love the skateboard one! He was awesome!!!
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