It was a very inspiring day at our PTA Fiber Group's Aug. meeting yesterday, where we unveiled our 'artist' inspired quilts. Oh my.....each and every one is GREAT! We all agree this was the very best challenge the group has conquered....thank you Linda and Barbara for the idea!
If you have plans to attend the Mid Atlantic Quilt Festival in Hampton, VA in Feb......please check out our exhibit. Each of us will display our 'artist' piece and one other piece. Until then, we've decided to keep the quilts under wraps for now.....faithful readers here have seen BOTH of I hope that will encourage interest.
After MUCH discussion....we've come up with a theme for our 2012 challenge which is going to be every bit as much fun....
Now...onto our show and tell this month....

You can tell she's really enjoying exploring this subject and we loved them too.

Gen Grundy, master of all...shared a striking and well designed purse.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I've gotten myself involved in so many small fiber's a miracle I have any time to stitch. But, thanks to all the inspiring artists I'm connected with, my own personal drive to create is strengthened.
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