I've made a $1,000 donation promise to the Alzheimer's Priority Quilt Auction But, because my first two of four donation quilts were a tad larger than 9" x 12", they were auctioned as Little Treasures, sadly those sales don't reflect on my promise. So, I'm gearing up to reach that goal.
I just finished this little piece (the correct size which fits into a USPS Priority flat envelop). I posted Woodland Fern, another bead embellished wool piece that will also be donated a short time ago.

As always, I stabilize the felted wool background with a Pellon lightweight non-fusible interfacing to help support the weight of the beads. The final size, 8" x 11" is documented with basting.....to help keep me on track! Since I want to provide a 'mock' border, by extending the backing piece, the main fabric will be smaller than the finished piece.

Completed - 'Around & Around' 9" x 12" - I was really, really struggling with this abstract design.....which moves me out of my comfort zone of working with a specific theme or subject....like a leaf, or fern.

Work in progress
Just as I was totally discouraged.....a package arrived in the mail from two new student friends who took my workshop when I was visiting their guild last month in Redding, CA. They sent 3 absolutely perfect flat round glass beads.....(yellow, orange, and red). TA DA. Thank you Carlotta and Louise!!! It will be hard to give up this piece now.

Detail - the beautiful flat yellow bead is attached using my 'washer/nut' method. If I learn when these new pieces will be put up for auction.....I'll post it here. But, please check out the auction which runs the first 10 days of each month. ALL the money goes towards research to find a cure for Alzheimer's.