The good news is.....thanks to Joyce, the Lighthouse Quilter's Guild President, who made a side trip along the way to the airport this morning.....I've got TWO Kringles in my checked baggage. "The husband" may end up having that for dinner.......I'll be good a pooped by the time I get home!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Do you hear me whimpering??? The joys of airline flight departed Milwaukee late this morning........which caused me to miss my connection in Charlotte. So now I sit till nearly 6:00 PM for another flight.
An energetic groups of ladies joined me yesterday to learn the tricks and tips I use to create my embellished felted wool pieces.
As a general rule, students use the day to design their small projects, and some even have the time to practice some of the beading techniques demonstrated in class.
Please enjoy the inspiring creations of the members of the Lighthouse Quilters Guild........
I'm seconds from shutting down my computer as I head off the the airport for my flights back to NC......enjoy your day.....

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Well.....I arrived back in WI in the nick of time yesterday......just as a winter storm moved in. I woke up to what looked like a blizzard & 6" of snow. But......these hardy Wisconsin folks still arrived at the workshop with a smile on their face!

Ann Fahl is one of the best quilt artists I have the pleasure of calling a friend. Happily she was not on the road herself so we got together this evening and gabbed for hours. Opportunities to spend time with inspiring quilters is another reason I teach!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Cheesehead I come...... I'm off to Racine, WI.......home of the famous Kringle. The husband has already requested that I bring one back in my suitcase.

The weather predictions for here and Wisconsin are not favorable......but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the travel gods will be kind to me tomorrow.......will report soon.....or listen for my pitiful wimpering if I get delayed.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Well......I'm forging on......with new ideas from all you clever readers. I think Kay might have hit upon the solution. Interestingly......Kay is very much responsible for my leap into quilting. We met, probably 25+ years ago and if I remember correctly, it was at a WI quilt event where my wonderful Mother-in-law was presenting a fashion show. Kay encouraged me to join the Chicago suburban's Northwest Suburban Quilt Guild and went out of her way to introduce me to her friends and make me feel welcome.
Here's my update......I've continued drawing patterns on the paper fusible backing which was secured to a 4" x 5" rectangle of hand dyed fabric. It took hours to carefully cut them out......with less perfection than I desired....due to the size, this was much more difficult than it looks.

With fingers crossed........
This is what quilter's are all about....someone always has a method, solution to any situation.....and best of all.....we are all so willing to share.....thanks again Kay...... The finished piece would fit right in your FL home!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I'm grateful to so many of you faithful readers for the numerous suggestions about how to achieve my goal of making the Mexican paper cut-out decorations....with fabric.
Jane suggested craft felt.....which actually goes along with something I'd tried. I used National Non-Woven's Woolfelt. This product isn't as thick as the typical felted wool and it cuts cleanly, which craft felt often doesn't. But, neither held up to the process of cutting through folded edges. I considered cutting each motif individually, but ultimately, the look of this material does not coordinate with the quilt so I passed on this material as my solution.
Next....I moved onto the process I explained in my post yesterday.....with very unprofessional looking results.
Sue provided another great machine stitch the motif, rather than cutting them away.Brilliant......but yikes, I'm not that good at machine work....hummmm, now is the time I wish I'd have purchased the Bernina 830......I could load it up with stitches, walk away, and return with my problem solved!! I'm definitely keeping this idea in mind though.
Incidentally, originally I also considered stenciling motifs but worried the look was too country for my piece.

It achieves the feel I want, but requires fusing (rather than hanging loose from a string).....maybe that's not the worst thing. I always find it difficult to make the break from a vision.....even when I know I must. The size of these pieces is another factor....they are only 4" x 5"......maybe I should have made a bigger quilt! I only need 4 to top off my design I think I'll keep beating my head against my studio walls until I'm satisfied.

Overnight I had a back-up plan......I may (heaven help me) piece 4 very small Mexican Star blocks to replace the fabric cut out motifs...... Stay tuned......
Monday, March 23, 2009
I've been struggling to find a way to create the look of papel picado (traditional Mexican paper cut decorations) made from fabric. Often created by folding tissue paper, then cutting out areas to acheive a pattern....much like making paper snow flakes.
The idea is to have them hanging from near the top of a quilt on a small string. So, obviously I needed to stabilize the fabric to make it easier to cut and prevent frayed edges. I fused two layers of fabric together....tried folding and cutting and got this mess.
The layers are way toooo thick to cut with any precision. I'm bummed, because the only way I can now think to do this is to draw a pattern onto paper-backed fusible adhesive, fuse to one layer of fabric......cut it out and then fuse to the quilt.....NOT what I envisioned.
Any other ideas anyone??

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Today I'm hauling out the travel weary suitcases to begin what usually is a full day process of packing just the teaching materials/samples/handouts etc. for a road trip.
I'm heading to the Lighthouse Quilters Guild in Racine, WI later this week. I've been looking forward to coming back to my home state and am keeping my fingers crossed for spring weather.
In addition to a lecture on Monday evening, I'll be teaching two workshops (next Sunday and Monday). I understand there is still some room in both so don't hesitate to contact me or Lighthouse Quilters if you'd like more info about how to sign up.

If you are in the area and have the time.....I'd love to see you there.
Friday, March 20, 2009
During our son's recent visit.....we enjoyed a beautiful day hiking and stumbled across a chair and foot stool made from tree trunks along one of the paths. Of course that meant I had to document the moment!

'The perfect child" on his throne.....

Thursday, March 19, 2009
One of the many pleasures I've experienced over the nearly 20 years of travel teaching is the opportunity to get acquainted with so many talented and fun quilters.
I met Judy Kriehn during a visit to the Dallas Quilt Guild. She held the job of program chair and took wonderful care of this road weary instructor!
She emailed me these photos of her two latest quilts which were on display at the recent Dallas Quilt Show......which has a super reputation for quality competition quilts.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
We PTAer's are so proud that one of our own, Dort Lee has a one women show at the Arborteum.

In mass.....we visited the's Dort in front of one of her charming pieces.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Like most large quilt guilds, the Asheville Quilt Guild has many talented members. Today one member, Meg Manderson, shared her journey as a quiltmaker with us. She began stitching using traditional approaches, realizing quickly her personality and design sense wasn't suited for patchwork.
After lots of evolutions, Meg now concentrates on what I'd describe as minimal landscapes.....there is detail........ but only what's necessary..... Please enjoy her lovely work.

Monday, March 16, 2009
Here's the final batch of photos from the Southern Living home.....

It's always fun to see how million $$ + homes are decorated.......
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I could have hung around for hours checking out all the unique decorating ideas utilized in this home. The theme was what I'd describe as 'soft Asian'.......with lots of muted grays, greens, taupe colors.

The candle holders on this unit were made locally of wood and stone. And again, this piece reminded me of furniture from the 50's.......sorry....I didn't like it then, and don't much now......

The table was created from an oak barrel....again, very simple decorations made from natural materials are displayed.

This mud room is between the sun room and the garage. The open shelves provide an open feeling for the space, but surely it wouldn't be nearly as attractive when people actually LIVE there. There wasn't a coat closet....only hooks on one wall. Like much of the house, it was attractive.....but ya gotta wonder if a man designed space is minimal.....but maybe in the 'green' world....we aren't supposed to be storage and accumulating 'stuff'????
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