Well......there's always next year.....and the Pack lost too.....tough day!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
You know what they say.....on any given Sunday.....a 0-3 team (Kansas City) can best a 3-0 team (Denver.) Guess which team we piked?? Sadly, we committed suicide by selecting Denver......
Saturday, September 27, 2008
After pulling some fall fabrics....life took over my life. When I finally got into my studio.....I tried rushing a design.....mainly because I had nothing to bead at night. Dumb!

Friday, September 26, 2008
I'm posting a few more of my show/exhibit quilts that are available for purchase. It's at task I'll continue to work on as time permits. Today, YEAH....it's finally raining.....so our morning 'forced march' up the mountain has been delayed.
Now if we only had gas in the cars we could go somewhere. Ever since Ike, we are having a severe gas shortage (some real, some brought on by media panic) but the local & state governments here are broken and can't seem to manage to get things on track.....and I thought Wisconsin was bad! Oops.....no more political statements....I'm sick of the whole bunch!

Be Lighthearted 33" x 35" - $1,000

Bacon & Eggs 50" x 55" - $3,800
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I've gotten a bit more interested in getting acquainted with jewelry beading techinques.....so the last couple of nights my fingers have been working on this necklace. (ya I know this doesn't look like it'd take more than an hour to make!)

Monday, September 22, 2008
After nearly having heart failure listening on ESPN's Red Zone internet broadcast of the Buffalo game yesterday, and (thankfully) their last 3 second field goal win that keeps us in the suicide football pool.....we joined friends (MI folks by way of WI) for dinner.
They knew of this authentic Mexican restaurant nearby, that quite frankly doesn't even look open to passersby. The food wasn't your typical 'chain' Mexican style food...this was the real thing.....I seriously over ate!

The deco was just right.

However, this little guy wasn't very appetizing, esp. since it was staring at me!

My help may be needed with a household task instead (and I thought after washing all the windows last week I was done!) The back (North side) of our log sided home, after less than 3 years needs attention. The preservative has washed/worn off and the wood is already getting signs of mildew.....so that needs to be scrubbed off and oiled again. Unfortunately, we will be doing the scrubbing since it's reachable, but will have to hire out the rest because tall, very tall ladders are involved to apply the coating.
Off for manual labor rather than letting my creative juices flow.....sigh
Sunday, September 21, 2008
You can take the girl out of Wisconsin, but you can never take the Packers out of the girl!
So...with a 2-0 recored, this is my official cheer GO PACKERS!!! Our flag is already proudly flying against the picture perfect mountain sky.

We are in a suicide football pool that started with about 50 people.....each week you pick ONE team to win....and you can never select that team again for the remaining games. If your team doesn't win....you are out of the pool. On this 3rd week of football.....there are only 26 left in the pool and 17 of us have given the nod to Buffalo to win. So Gooooooo Buffalo!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Time to create has been frustratingly short lately......yet, even 30 mins. here and there adds up.
The following photo was posted already and I had expected the finished piece to follow within days.

Below is the next to final step for this small 7" x 7" project. My plan to finish this piece is still uncertain, but due to the weight of the wooden detail, I'm leaning toward framing it since I was very happy with the previous (and first) framed wool design.
I guess the lesson here is that even with limited time, work can be created....a little at a time.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Asheville, NC is home to the Alliance for American Quilts.
This organization was formed 15 years ago to document, and preserve the history of quilts and their makers. Settle down with a cup of coffee (no make that a pot) and explore their easy to navigate, updated informative and inspiration filled website.

"Four Sided Journey" by Yvonne Porcella
To celebrate their anniversary, a generous group of 67 quilters have donated small quilts such as the one above which will be auctioned on ebay Oct. 30- Nov. 19, 2008. The proceeds will benefit worthy AAQ projects. Preview the quilts and consider bidding to show your support.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Colleen Wise was the guest speaker at the Asheville Quilt Guild's September meeting. Although she's traveled the quilting highway for awhile and is a C & T author, our paths hadn't passed and I'm delighted that they now have.
Her lecture trunk show was presented in a charming friendly manner. It was informative and inspiring. The following photos of her work do not do justice to how well she incorporates shadows into her design to create depth/dimension into her quilts.

Sunday, September 14, 2008
This has been a busy and fun quilt show......if you are in the Pacific NW area....be sure to mark your calender for next year at this time to attend the Columbia River Gorge Quilt Show! The area is BEAUTIFUL, the quits are high quality, the quilters are simply SWELL.
Despite the poor visuals (my fault) here are some samples of the projects students created in my embellished felted wool workshop. I was very impressed with the sill level in all the workshops.

Thursday, September 11, 2008
It's been a very busy day teaching 2 beading classes at the Columbia River Gorge Quilt Show
This energetic group has organized a fabulous show which highlights the fantastic work of this region. Another personal comment.....the high skill level of the students made teaching a thrill.....such fun to go beyond my normal lesson plans.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
So....here I am in the state of WA, after getting up at 4:30 AM in NC. I'm staying at the Skamania Lodge in Stevenson, WA (swell hotel) ...and what do I see??? Well naturally...quilts.....well actually quilt images. I'm a quilter...what do you expect?

Lobby rug - would this be fun to recreate in fiber?

Guest wing hallway rug

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
It's a bit more difficult to bead this stiff object to the stabilized wool than I thought it would be.....

And...I don't like what I've done.

Getting there....

better.....more to go.
Will be traveling to the Pacific NW tomorrow.....hopefully there will be internet service where I'm stay.......I'm sure I'll have plenty of travel stories to share.
Monday, September 8, 2008
I'm heading back on the road on Wednesday to the Columbia River Gorge Quilt Show, near Stevenson, WA.
Packing and organizing everything that goes along with travel teaching won't give me too much spare time, so I've challenged myself to make a small piece.

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Sept. 7th - updated
I've gotten numerous emails (and your note here Kay).....in reference to Brett. He sure has a lot of fans! It's hard cheering for another team, but Brett still has it.....Rogers, you better perform tomorrow.
'The husband' and I are in a suicide football pool with about 50 others.....as of this writing with 3 games to go.......7 are out already. They picked San Diego to win......but Carolina did. I must confess, being a single minded Packer fan I know very little about Carolina...maybe I need to take a better look now that I live here!
Although we are mighty sick and tired of listening to all the hound dogs bark/howl all night long (most locals seem to have a bunch), we have to remind ourselves that they were here before us. (Well....that's not actually true of the noisiest pack....but, whatcha goin' do?)

This little guy is made from recycled oil cans.....it just had to come home with us.
Today, is the first 2008 NFL Sunday....an inconceivable moment just happened......Brett Farve....the greatest quarter back to ever play the game of football, just threw beautiful 56 yard touch down pass......for the New York Jets. The Green Bay Packer organization made a HUGE mistake by letting Brett go......BRETT CAN STILL PLAY!!!!
If the Packers get their butts whipped by Minnesota tomorrow night....there will be H**L to pay in Green Bay. (Sorry about the commentary......I couldn't help myself....)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
'The husband's' back is acting up....so we put household chores on hold and headed out to do some antiquing today.

This brand of sewing machine was a new one on me.

In just one antique mall, there were more antique quilts for sale then I've ever seen outside a quilt show. This folk art piece was fairly well executed and it seemed quite out of place.

Thursday, September 4, 2008
We've gotten acquainted with a lovely couple, whose family lived here in these mountains for generations. They are building a 'eco friendly' home on 3 lots in our community shortly....and in the process of selling their home in town, they are selling his mother's rural home.
Apparently, she never threw anything away. And isn't that a good thing.... My friend brought 3 of the dozen or more quilts they now have, asking restoration and preservation advice. I'm certainly not an expert, but all in all they look to be in pretty good shape with astonishingly bright colors.
I spotted feed sack and 30's design fabrics, as well as some older vintages. All the bindings need attention, some - like the fan quilt below have patches that have deteriorated and will need a 'patch' job, clearly the use of vintage fabrics would be desirable.
If anyone know of a quilter who specializes in restoring quilts such as these, please connect with me. I believe I have the know how to repair the quilts.....probably not the time nor the proper fabric. Any help would be appreciated.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I'll continue to upload photos of my quilts for sale in the next few days in order to give you readers one easy to find reference section = Labels = Quilts for Sale.....rather than having to read through the various past posts. I'll gladly email you additional photos with detail shots if requested.
These pieces are all in excellent condition, sleeve attached & ready to be hung, publishing credits will be provided with your certificate of authenticity upon purchase. Payment via Pay Pay or check is available. These are priced to sell so don't wait.
Click on the 'email me' link near the top of the right information bar.

Best Friends 21" x 17"
machine appliqued, hand beaded, machine quilted - this is THE original quilt from my book "The Stori of Beaded Embellishment" - $400 - insured shipping $8.00

Eat More Chicken 18" x 21 1/2"
Hand & machine appliqued, hand quilted, embellished. Numerous publication credits

Totem Art 22" x 10"
Hand appliqued, machine quilted, heavily beaded. Publication credits
Monday, September 1, 2008
Now I'm happy! Sometimes we quilters can get into a rut, a safe zone that doesn't allow us to grow as an artist. Though I've stretched myself with this new found interest in Woolfelt (manufactured by National Non-Wovens), methods of displaying my pieces have remained the same. (a hanging sleeve)
'The husband' is quite accomplished at framing and he showed me how.....well....actually, he pretty much cut the mat for me this time. I like how the work is set off not only by the mat, but with the frame as well.

One With Nature - 21" x 17"
$350 - includes shipping

Detail of machine quilting, stenciled ferns, & beading
I'm in the process of creating a new category - Quilts for Sale - which will make it easier and less costly for readers to purchase work directly from me. Simply click on my email link - upper right. Payment can be made via Paypal or check. I'm bypassing the high gallery commissions in order to maintain a better range for you.
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