Tuesday, June 15, 2021


 Your email subscription will discontinue at the end of this month. Feedburner no longer is available on blogger.

Instead of turning over my email list to a new RSS feed service, I thought you'd appreciate making the decision yourself. 

At the top right info column you find a subscribe button.....please add your email address and you'll continue to get an email everytime I post by Follow.it.

Thank you for sticking with me all these years.  Like many bloggers I've been contemplating ending my blog but truthfully I appreciate the format it gives me to document & share my work, so I'll keep it going.

Finally, you may receive two email notices for a short time.  I've been unable to cancel Feedburner, though I've tried more often than you can know.  Be assurred it will end on July 1 and from then on you'll receive just one from Follow.it. 


Darlene S said...

Silly me, I'm just now reading blogs this morning and caught your GREAT post. I hope all your email followers, who are currently receiving your posts via the feedburner email source, sign up to get the same via Follow IT before Google pulls the plug July lst.

Sherrie Spangler said...

After reading about Follow.it here I just installed it on my blog. Thanks so much for telling us about it!