Friday, August 21, 2020


 I know, it's been awhile.....the husband had a serious accident here at home.....enuff said.

Today I hope to be able to switch my duties back to playing in the studio, but indecision reigns.  Stay tuned won't you?!?


Jo said...

Oh no! I hope everything gets back to normal soon. We have had the ever rotating season of sick/injured parents. 3 seniors since March. Give yourself time to get back in the groove. Stressful times sucks the energy from the care giver. Hoping he is on the mend.

Nancy said...

Oh, I'm so sorry, Mary. The challenges seem to pile up at this rocky time. Hope all goes well.

The Idaho Beauty said...

Intriguing color palette. And doesn't your husband know, no serious accidents allowed? ;-) Yikes!

Sherrie Spangler said...

I hope your husband is okay!