Friday, April 26, 2019


Over the last couple of years I've made about a dozen patchwork quilts inspired by a large stash of Asian style fabrics gifted to me by a dear friend. Honestly, I never thought the pile would be reduced....instead it seemed to grow.  

That is no longer the case.  As I embark on another one, I found myself almost frantically searching the shrinking pile for just the right color/pattern combination.  Of course that's mainly because I'm not working with small patches which can be more forgiving during the selection process.  It's also because obviously I have a vision in my head and am not terribly flexible about substitutions at this point.
 As is my habit, I like to gather all possible fabric combinations, pair them, and move onto auditioning the choices on my design wall before I start cutting.
The work continues to cutting the backgrounds & focal circles, plus fusing.  I suspect there will still be a few blocks that will get rejected.....but that's normal when creating one-of-a-kind quilts.  Knowing when something is off comes from years of experience.

Stay tuned....

Linking to Nina-Marie's Off The Wall Friday & Sarah's Whoop, Whoop Friday.


Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

It is going to be a great piece. I think maybe some of the prints you might be looking for are at my house, LOL!!

Linda M said...

It's looking good, some great combinations.

Michelle said...

I am intrigued! Will enjoy seeing this quilt grow.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Pretty fabrics, I'm looking forward to see what your quilt will look like!

Norma Schlager said...

Luscious fabrics! I'm sure you will find just the right way to out them together.