Wednesday, April 17, 2019


I'm crazy about dyeing with indigo and often hoard what comes out of the dye pots!  Silly me...why not use it?
This piece happens to be accordion folded wool, but just about any fabric yields fabulous results.  Because it's a dress weight wool, it didn't felt really well.  So it's being stabilized with a Pellon lightweight non-fusible that was marked with the outline of the desired size.
By thread basting along my marked line, the outline is visible on the right side as a working guide to its size.
This is a small design, to be mounted on a 9" x 12" canvas covered frame.....hand appliqueing is in progress.  The materials are bamboo rayon felt, Ultra-suede, and silk hand dyed in iron water.  Stay tuned ........


Robbie said...

Can't wait to see this one finished! Love him holding the little fish! Clever!

Ann Scott said...

Beautiful wool. This looks like it will be a fun project...after the work!