Friday, April 6, 2018


The tourist season is about to begin here in the mountains where the spring foliage is beginning to bloom.  The folks at Woolworth Walk just reminded all their artists to stock up on their products.

.....So, I've been felting.  It's been awhile so it's been fun getting my fingers all wrinkled again.  My stash of felting supplies contains quite a lot of merino cross- cut batts which are supposed to shorten the felting time over soley using wool roving.

I've avoided using the batts because they seemed more difficult to work with.  But on the positive side, I can achieve finished pieces that are thicker and stronger, like this embellished vessel and these shallow bowls.

This was a piece I reworked because it wasn't felled enough the first time....however I still don't like the shape or color.
This one is still a bit damp, meaning I need to wait before it's totally finished.  Sometimes 'curls' felt right in and other times they refuse to do so and needle felting those little buggers into the wool becomes necessary.

Check out these sites to see what other artists have worked on this week:  Nina-Marie's Off The Wall Friday, Sarah's Whoop Whoop Friday, and Crazy Mom Quilts.


Nancy said...

Intriguing and beautiful!

grammajudyb said...

Interesting! Artistic! And truly wonderful!

The Idaho Beauty said...

Love the embellishments on that first one, and the little curls are also a nice feature. I can sure see that difference in thickness you ascribe to the batts. As always these are great (except for of course the one you are reworking and still not happy with - I think I agree. It really could use something to perk it up.)