Monday, April 30, 2018

A NOVEL TOWEL SYSTEM's been awhile....will explain in detail with photos soon, but even these pictures won't quite tell the complete story about my absence from posting here....this is such a tease isn't it....soon, I promise...

In the jaw dropped when visiting a restaurant's restroom in Marshall, NC.  I've never seen anything like this.....should have asked if it was their idea or time I will.

Look at the system they have for drying one's hands.....

Clean smaller than washcloth size towels are stacked on a shelf in this clever system. Each has a grommet on one end which a chain goes through. The user simply picks up one cloth, dries their hands....and allows it to drop down into the bin below....  Sure must be a lot of extra work for the staff but I was smitten with this system!!

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