So.....I've moved along the quilting highway to New Bern, NC. What a fascinating city.....with southern hospitality PLUS!
The city is nearing it's 300th's dotted with beautiful historic homes, many reminded me of colonial Williamsburg.

such as this building.....

So often I talk about the great students who support my classes...tonight I want to send kudos out to the hostesses who make my visits so special. Penny presented me with a large care bag of comfort foods, and Sue made the yummiest goodies.

During our lunch break today we stopped at an old time hardware about classy....look at this charming store window.

Locals can purchase seeds right out of old ball jars.....

Each meal here has been fantastic......I wish we had this this kind of culinary expertise in our area. Lynn, my hostess this evening.....(who originally contracted me...many thanks) enjoyed this soup.

Take a look at these sea scallops......embedded with sauteed spinach and spicy rice......yum....
I'm long overdue for bedtime......have a full day workshop tomorrow.......
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