Monday, February 4, 2013


This one was a struggle from beginning to end.....but I'm so happy I stuck with it.  As I mentioned in previous posts, marbleized fabric has a lot of energy when working in a wholecloth format.  Finding just the right bead and hand embroidery techniques to further enhance the design required some false starts  which will make the next one I tackle easier!

Both the full size and detail photos are clickable to enlarge.

FAUX MARBLE 11" X11" © 2013
Artist marbled cotton fabric, hand embroidered & bead embellished.



Robbie said...

mary, this turned out beautiful!!! Love the of my favorites!

Windy Hill Happenings said...

Oh's wonderful...the things you do with fabric amaze me!

The Idaho Beauty said...

So are those tiny beads out in the black border? Such an effective resolution. This came out so well. Hopefully I will do justice to the piece of this marbling you sent - it arrived today. Thanks! The camera did not lie - it looks just like I thought it would.

The Inside Stori said...

Yes, there are beads on the border. Sorry for the poor photo....due to lack of decent lighting for photographing.