Saturday, December 9, 2017


The little 'kiss' of winter predicted with a max of 1/2" snow....has now turned into a 3"-6" snow event.  Boo hiss....if I wanted snow, I'd have stayed in Wisconsin!

With that sure is pretty....
View from the front porch overlooking our vintage log cabin shed.


Robbie said...

It does look beautiful, Mary!!!! Just the perfect view to sit with a good book, knitting or hand work! HA We had just a light dusting this a.m. but it's back to snowing now! Welcome to Michigan!!

Ann Scott said...

Looking at your photo from a place where we are still applying sunscreen; it is a lovely winter scene. Thanks for sharing. Not sure if I have the "no reply" fixed.

Pat said...

Have you thought about snow dyeing?

The Idaho Beauty said...

It IS pretty. We're still waiting for our second snow, that early November one long gone except up on the mountaintops. Doesn't hardly seem far, huh?