As I've mentioned, I'm finding new homes for lots and lots of quilting treasures. Among those is a novel way to obtain Libery of London Tana Lawn fabric at a much more appealing price. This is THE BEST quality fabric Liberty of London makes. My friend bought sizes shirts, sizes large and 16 1/2 to cut apart and use for creating small patches for a quilt! VERY clever.
Click on photo to enlarge. Minimum purchase is 2 - which will ship for $7.25 USPS priority. Though I can squeeze 4 into that padded envelope. If you'd like to claim or comment with your PayPal address.
PRICE - 2 for $25
You can see by my absence here on this blog that I'm still bogged down finding homes for this lifetime of quilting treasures of an elderly friend due to her failing health. There are still numerous shirts available....she used them to cut up as a means of obtaining less expensive fabric...but so far all the ones that have been purchased, the buyers say they will be worn! I have two bins of Liberty of London fabric....lots of small pieces and some yardage...will put the word out when I've managed to get them priced etc. In the meantime, despite the work it's been an honor to go through and study her huge collection of fabrics/quilts etc., especially the 1930's pieces...which are now all in new homes with the exception of 3 tops.
Wow, those are some snazzy shirts! It is wonderful fabric, I would call it the butter of fabrics. And buying the shirts to cut was a brilliant idea. Sorry to say I'm not in need of any, though, I'm sure they will be snapped up. I admire how you just keep powering through your friends collection!
I so seldom work with prints anymore, but this is a wonderful way to get that luscious fabric. I hope you sell them all.
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