Monday, March 12, 2018


As mentioned previously, my studio time would be limited for awhile, but that should never stop the creative process.  Little bits of time add up.

 The numerous stacks of Japanese fabrics stored in my stash continually call for attention.  It's all excellent quality material, collected over a long period of time by a dear friend who gifted me a part of her inventory.  Never in a million years would I select this style to work with but somehow the challenge of using it to create one-of-a-kind quilts has captured my interest.

I had this setting idea for awhile but the math involved in cutting and piecing the strips was more than I was capable of.  It finally dawned on me I could do it by paper piecing since I wanted random shapes rather than symmetrical anyway.

My vision didn't include borders but as so many of us know....the quilt will tell you what to do if you listen.  Next up will be making the quilt sandwich and machine quilting.  Right now I have no clue what direction the quilting will take....but I'll be listening very hard!!

Check back to see won't you?


Kathy said...

Another very effective setting and use of the Japanese fabrics! You are a whiz at this! And you are really listening to what those fabrics are saying. Great job, again!

Robbie said...

You are on a roll with these Japanese type quilts. Nice!

The Idaho Beauty said...

Oh, I really like this set. You've mixed and arranged the various prints so well. Bravo for working out the technical side of the design. Paper piecing solves so many geometric challenges. I think I would go for straight line fairly close parallel quilting, following the angle in each lefthand side of each "block". But then, I'm not in the room with the quilt so can't hear what it is whispering. ;-)

Ann Scott said...

I'm so glad you are finding bits of time to create. The fabrics are beautiful and your design very appealing. Looking forward to seeing the quilting and finish.