It's also about time that I can begin to adjust to the Janome 8900 QCP SE....after all it's only been about 18 months since it was purchased!!
Some of my biggest complaints were the crappy quality of the straight stitch, how it eats fabric, and the difficulty obtaining an accurate 1/4" matter what program or foot I used.
At a recent Fiber Junkies meeting, I cut loads of squares using a Sixxz machine...which by the way.....were not accurately cut.....see the explanation here. After so much brain crunching on the latest project.....the simplistic looking pile of cut squares called.
My machine has numerous settings for use with the straight stitch plate, several that promised a trouble free, perfect 1/4" seam. However, none did....until now.
Thanks to the informed and helpful members of an online Janome owners list, I learned about the Professional Grade Foot. It was back ordered from Sewing Parts Online, which took about a month. The cost was a mere $7.00 and it changed my life!

The edge of the foot is very straight, making it easy to line up with the edge of the fabric. Just like my beloved old dead Pfaff.....sewing can begin at the top edge of the fabric without getting swallowed into the machine!
Look at this wonderful 2.40 length. Finally, and 'it's about time'!!
Here's another method I use to help me keep track of patch placement while stitching. (I KNOW some of you are shaking your heads and saying WHAT?? She can't even manage this simple layout?) NO....age & a wandering mind is to blame.
Once I get the patchwork layout to my liking, a photo is snapped and downloaded to my nearby computer. So, if remembering which end should be attached to which end while I'm stitching.......all I have to do is refer to the photo for clarification. Like many other quilters, I label the top of each row with a reference number as well.
I'm so glad that you were finally able to get to that happy place with the "perfectionist" part of your brain! And I totally get it with having everything laid out before sewing...I have to also!!
I really, really am so happy for you...know how frustrated you've been over the stitch quality...This stitch does look perfect...On another note...we all missed you today!
YEAH!!!!! And I can only wonder why the dealer could not have helped you more with this and made this suggestion. Seriously though, I look at the option screen and it is like hieroglyphics. I'm sure the manual (it DID come with a manual, didn't it?) must tell you what each button does, but goodness - I've never heard of a machine with so many different settings for a mere straight stitch. Is this machine German by any chance? They are well known for over engineering things, i.e. their production of a handgun for the army that was so complicated that it failed in the field, to the dismay of many WWII soldiers. At any rate - happy happy that you are finally happy happy doing simple piecing. :-)
Answering where is this machine made: Japan..... Good observation....way too many settings....and NO there was not a manual with the most every product these's online and YOU have to download it, print it out, and pay for binding if you want that done!
The excess settings/options are probably why doing a great job of a few simple things seems so difficult....they want machines to stand up and dance too.....tripping all over themselves!!
My Bernina has a special 1/4 foot with a guide that is great too. So glad you got a good foot and I'm impressed with the stitching too!!! You go girl!
so good to read the machine is now working for you, I too have a quarter inch foot for all my machines the bernina, new home and featherweight, the new home and featherweight use the same feet. Now thinking I NEED a bernina 550 machine it has a bigger arm/neck/throat and also comes with a stitch regulator which should help quilting which I struggle so much with unfortunately the foot will not fit my bernina time to ponder as it is very pricy. I too take photos of layouts as a quilt can look different when viewed with a camera
So glad hear about that foot! I will call to see if it will fit my machine. I purchased a Janome 6600 and it LOVES to eat hst. Every quilt I make has hundreds of hst. So frustrating! Need to check to see if this foot will fit my machine. In what Janome group did you find your answers? My dealer was absolutely no help whatsoever. I tried a Janome facebook group, but they weren't any help either.
Mary replies - here's the link to the Janome group that I've found so'll have to subscribe but that's easy to do. Lately it's been fairly quiet but whenever a question arises, there's always plenty of help to be found.
Mary, so glad this has finally worked out for you. I just bought the 9400 and it comes with that foot. Your post was very timely for me.
Thank you for the link to the Janome group. Mine eats hst as well. I use the accue foot which I do love and you would think it would prevent the gobbling up of fabric since it's a walking foot but maybe not. I wanna ask if others have that issue with the accrue foot. Glad you finally triumphed over your machine. They can be grumpy.
Simple fixes are the best. The aggravation comes trying to figure out what the simple fix should be. I'm so glad you and your machine have made up.
Mary here....oh ya.........the Accufeed foot doesn't solve the feeding fact in the case of my's worse.
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