Monday, January 28, 2008

Through A Quilter's Eye - Part 3

Sorry, Dr. McDreamy was hiding himself very well....but here's his the start of the race. Believe me, NONE of the cars looked like this at the end....all were banged up and extremely dirty.  The good Dr. finished in the 39th position....of 66 starting cars.

Boys and their toys.....maybe we should have signs that say:  Powered by Bernina or Powered by Pfaff!!

And, thinking about about these 'car strips'....they are even numbered!

What can I say??  Boy toys!!  With bought and paid for front ends??  There were lots of 'May/September' couples walking around.  Hummmm

The only kind of front end I hope 'the husband' is interested in.  Even if he thinks Lowe's is a 'girlie' hardware store.  Real men apparently prefer Home Depot!

One more day of photos to come.....stay tuned.....

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