Sunday, January 26, 2025


My large stash of Asian fabrics, to my shock, is dwindling.  Well that's not exactly correct....I still have a LOT however many of the focus fabrics, often panels with good size motifs have been worked into art quilts.

Many of the fabrics that remain are quite colorful and very busy, often featuring floral images.  With some careful cutting, I have worked them into what one might recognize as a Chinese Coins patchwork pattern.

The top is pieced and the quilting begins.....  It will be available for purchase soon.  Holler if you'd like me to contact you before it's listed in my gallery shop.


The Idaho Beauty said...

The red flanges really help elevate the design, helping the eye to look at each strip rather than just see a flat grouping of fabrics.

Kathy said...

You keep finding awesome ways to use that fabric! Another winner and uses up lots of little leftover bits very effectively!