Friday, January 24, 2025


My quilting career has extended for over 30+ years. Until I retired from travel teaching in 2016, most of my work was documented in books I wrote for quilt publishing companies. Additionally, my work appeared in books of other instructors as well as scores of quilt magazines. That's a lot to be thankful for, especially since I didn't have to hire professional photographers!!

Since then, I've kept photo files (generally photographed with an iPhone)of my work made exclusively to sell. Wanting a more professional look for in-person meets, I turned them into "portfolios" that could be shown to perspective buyers. Being not all that techy, finding a company that had 'easy to use' software to submit for printing was essential. was my answer. It allowed me to compile photos/text in my (Mac) word processor program and download to their site. A few other decisions (like soft or hard cover, choosing jpeg. for cover photos etc.) were easily completed. Within 2 weeks, Volume 3 Mary Stori Art Quilts was in my hands.

It's a marvelous way to keep a record of one's work....or even family photos etc. I am not in any way connected to this business, mentioning it only as a resource I was satisfied with.


The Idaho Beauty said...

That's a great idea. When I was on POAC'S Visual Arts committee and we were jurying in new artists, one showed up with a similar book. She had on hand one of her paintings that was in the book and commented that one could trust that the colors were accurate, something that would be important to a buyer not seeing the original work. We all looked at each other and had to point out to her that the photo in the book did not match exactly the painting before us. We were surprised that she thought we wouldn't notice. But it does point out the importance of a accurate photo and a company that can reproduce it if you are using that kind of thing for promotion. The accuracy of photos and printing has come a long way since those years when I was on that committee. Your examples here look great to me, and I'm sure if they were not, you'd be contacting the company straight away!

Nancy said...

Thanks for this resource, Mary. I've been thinking about making a 'blog book", and this could be the answer. It's a lovely book and way to document your work.

dgs said...

I agree, what a great way to record your work. I'm now thinking of using it for boating adventures in the PNW. Thanks for sharing.