Saturday, January 18, 2025


 8 months after our relocation from Western NC to CA, I woke up today to a beautiful surprise.  The orchid plant our son's in-laws gifted us for a house warming present has bloomed for the 2nd time.

I knew nothing about orchids last May and was sad when the final original blossom faded away.  However, after doing some research I decided to retain the plant since if conditions are right, they may bloom again.  

Today it did.......a second lovely welcome to our new home.

1 comment:

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Looks like you will have several blooms, you lucky thing! I have one that steadfastly refuses to bloom. Then when I threaten it, it will give me one little bud that takes months to bloom and sometimes it doesn't ever get there. The bud will shrivel. It just doesn't have the ideal conditions that yours must have.