Wednesday, July 17, 2019


My airline travel luck is pretty bad....and of course this trip had its flaws too, but nothing that really impacted the enjoyment of getting back to Wisconsin for a family wedding.  Everyone was sending good vibes and the heavens seemed to as well.....beautiful rainbow  taken from the plane's window in Milwaukee.

Of course I have tons of photos but since this is primarily a fiber blog I'll keep my posting down to these two.  The only thing missing in this picture is a bottle/can of beer.  A fishing boat had just come in as we strolled the River Walk, so we stopped and watched them hang their fish....great photo opportunity for the fishermen and spectators alike.  This area is where the Sheboygan river flows into Lake Michigan, making it a great entryway for fishing and pleasure boats alike.

I'll be back in my studio as soon as I can recover from the constant activity we enjoyed!!


Nancy said...

That rainbow photo is a keeper- and the storm clouds behind it are pretty impressive, too. Glad you made it home despite the airline glitches.

Robbie said...

I'm up for seeing more pics of your trip!! I'm sure others would too!