Wednesday, August 15, 2018


This month we welcomed a new member to the Fiber Junkies....and I sure could have done a better job of introducing her besides just seeing her shirt!!  The fabulous art quilts that belong to that 'shirt' are the creations of Susan Webb Lee.  Our group is limited to 6 members, but we've had only 5 since our longtime member Val had to step away due to health issues.  We miss her terribly and hope someday she can return.......
 ........With that said, we are delighted to have Susan join us!  Here are examples of her exciting work.  She started making quilts in 1979, lives close by in Flecter, NC, and is also a member of the prestigious Southern Highland Craft Guild.

 This piece is in the works.....a true artist is always challenging oneself.  The design squares have been created directly onto black fabric using water soluble colored pencils.  
 It's a unique approach, one that works very well.  This didn't just happen....Susan spent quite a lot of time experimenting with paints and various pencils/crayons etc. to find just the right look for her piece.  She'll fit right in with this group as we are all about experimenting!!
 Last month we worked with Gelli plates....Denny's approach was also in the realm of experimentation.  She used transfer paints, applied to paper.  Later at home her designs were transferred to several types of fabric, by using a hot iron and pressing the paper directly onto fabric.  The product she used works on synthetics. We all agreed that the various fabrics types provided a lovely light airy appearance.

Stay tuned for Part 2......when we all turn our hands blue.  Can you guess what technique we played with this month??


Nancy said...

lovely works as always! Blue hands = a fun day. Our fiber group just did ice-dyeing. So interesting. I'll put some pieces up on my blog soon.

Robbie said...

It appears Susan will fit right in your group!!! Some very nice art work and I like that she's one to experiment too! Our group is down to 4 from 6...not too many around here that are interested in art quilts...but I don't think we are trying hard to find someone...might have to pursue that! Always good to get new blood in a group. Indigo dyeing next??

Kathy Pitts said...

Thank you for sharing your incredible groups talent once again. I love what your new member, Susan, did- my mind is going haywire thinking of the possibilities of "what if."