After a week getting acquainted with my new machine - Janome are some further impressions. This may be of zero interest to most of you......but I so appreciated the reviews I read when hunting for a new machine...perhaps my experiences will be valuable to somebody.
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It seemed like a good idea to make a small quilt - start to finish, to see how the experience/quality compares to my dead as a doornail Pfaff.
The pre-programed 1/4" patchwork setting, along with the 1/4" foot proved to be quite accurate. The setting shortens the stitch length to 1.8 but I prefer 2.0, so I changed that setting. I mentioned this in a previous post, but it's worth saying again.....the presser foot's metal guide really helped me to keep the fabric feeding evenly. Though I expected to have to use the Accufeed foot for this purpose, I found it wasn't necessary.
Also......I LOVE that this machine still has a presser foot lever (and a button as well).....most new machines seem to have eliminated them in favor of a foot controller and/or button that raises and lowers the foot. After 40 years of sewing.....just give me the darn lever!!
AND, now some thoughts about the Accufeed system. I found attaching it to be a hassle...though with more experience it probably won't be. I was truly spoiled with the Pfaff's one click - on/off option.
The straight line quilting was done using the smaller of the two Accufeed attachments. It was necessary to move the needle when stitching to the right of the seam to obtain a 1/4" distance....but this machine has like 91 needle positions so that wasn't a problem....the only problem was remembering to make that change when I went to that side of the seam!
The finished piece was pucker-free with no distortions of the patchwork or backing. However, I'm not completely satisfied with the quality of the top thread stitches. This may seem overly picky to some.....but when passing over seams, I found the presser foot to jump a bit, causing some slanted or crooked stitches and the inability to keep the presser foot right on the seam line. It was almost as if the foot didn't grab the fabric enough allowing it to wobble. I changed that setting to increase the foot pressure, but then I got puckering. I also reduced the speed which helped some but didn't eliminate the problem. Again, this might be an issue of practice on my part.
Another thought I had later....isn't that always the case "later"......I was using Aurifil 50 Wt. in both top and bobbin. However, the spool was fitted horizontally, instead of vertically which I always did with my Pfaff. The quality of stitches when sewing the patchwork was just fine, but perhaps when machine quilting....using the Accufeed system....I need to try the spool in the vertical position. next came the binding. I was unable to get the bulk of the quilt/binding under the narrow Accufeed foot.....I'll try it again another time.....but that day, I couldn't. Instead I had to take the darn thing off, and put on the larger one, and fitted it with the optional 1/4" foot (doesn't come with the machine but the dealer threw in it....Yeah). Again, the metal guide was so helpful.....BUT.....when I came to the bulky mitered corner....yikes....I had a lot of trouble getting it to start when I turned the corner.......the stitches tended to pile up. This may be operator inexperience using such a bulky foot??
Another issue.....when the two ends of the binding were to be joined on the bias, I could not for the life of me do it with this foot attached. It would not grab the fabric....instead.....stitches piled up. Nor could I see....the foot is BIG and here the metal guide was a hinderance. So, off it came. I gave up on the Accufeed system and used the regular 1/4" foot instead to complete the job. This was very annoying...and I found myself cursing Pfaff for ruining their once great sewing machines!!!
Perhaps now that I know this is the case.....I'll simply switch out the Accufeed system at this point, which means unscrewing the shank and putting the regular one back on.....and accept that will be the process and it won't honk me off (so much) anymore.
And then.....once the binding was on, I planned to quilt one more final line around the quilt....1/4" to the left of the binding seam line. Well......this too was a problem....since I was actually quilting I felt I should use out came the screw driver again to put it back on. (Yes, perhaps I should have done that step before the binding was on....BUT, I wanted it to be very accurate and figured doing it afterwards would give me the best chance!)
Geesh.....again, I could NOT get it started at the top of the quilt....stitches piled up...but when I tugged seemed to grab and stitched fine. However, a good 1/4" of ugly stitches remained at the top. I tried and tried, got sick of ripping out the tiny stitches. So, I changed back to the regular 1/4" foot - minus Accufeed - and stitched the lines. (as seen above)

I'm fairly certain I'd never actually quilt this way...though these stitches look lovely (better than the Accufeed ones when going over seams). However, I had to be really careful as it had a tendency to pucker/pleat where the blocks met.
Happily, another machine feature: the speed control - allowed me to reduce the speed, making it easier to control the stitching.
As soon as the binding is hand stitched to the back......I'll post a's simply a fun little piece, nothing more, nothing less.
You are so knowledgeable about sewing and sewing machines! I don't sew very much and actually was just given a 1964 White sewing machine that I am thrilled with.
I change my stitch length to 3 for most quilting and then it has a better chance of starting up in bulky places (on my Babylock Prof. quilter straight stitch machine). The standard 2.5 is too short for quilting because you are going through more thickness. Sometimes I even go to 3.5 which really feeds well and I like the look of it better.
love reading about your challenge... Will have to pull out my semi old Pfaff to see if some of the items you mention are on that machine.. For now looking forward to reading all about my new "toy", Sweet 16, have not had time to read it, and need to get some layers together to practice quilting.. It looks so nice and fun sitting in the space I thought it would fit in and did beautifully.!.
you are certainly getting to know your new machine, I presume the accfeed foot is what my machine calls a walking foot. I love my button to slow the machine down and needle down position button too makes life easier, mind you still waithing to get mine repaired so not stitching at the moment
Yes,'s basically a walking foot......thanks for the question so I could clarify that. It's soooo much bulkier than I thought it would be and taking the shank off is a real pain.......when I had my Pfaff....I had that function, which was built in, in the on position all the time.
Mary, I'm concerned at all the trouble you had with stitches piling up while using the Accufeed foot. I have not experienced that. Are you holding the thread tails firmly as you start each seam? Also, I do my binding differently - using Edyta Sitar's method. As a result, I'm starting a new seam at each corner and have not tried to turn the corners when attaching the binding.
I'm going to have to look and see if the stitches have a tendency to jump when going over seam lines... my vision isn't so great and I may have missed that.
You are sooooo right about it being a pain in the patootie to have to keep unscrewing and re-screwing on that foot. It doesn't bother me too much because I never had anything else to compare it to. Hopefully you will get used to that.
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