My favorite method of designing is to focus on a theme or subject. Luckily ideas come easily to me....and that's the problem. I have so many ideas my head is like a virtual pinball, bing, bing......jumping from one to the other. Years ago I discovered that to keep my over-active imagination under control, I needed to select a theme or subject and work within those confines. It's a great way for stitchers to advance from following commercial patterns to creating their own work.
The Fiber Junkies selected a theme to help Val celebrate her birthday this week. She once shared a fond memory of a piece of clothing that had images of Life Savers on it.....that's all we needed to develop a fun surprise for her (BIG birthdays require big celebrating!!!)'s the members of the Fiber Junkies that you've read about so often here on my blog. Front row: L to R - Denny Webster, Val McGauhey, Mary Stori, Gen Grundy Top row: L to R - Judy Simmons, Kate Weston
While the group was working on our monthly project in Judy's studio (more about that tomorrow) we took turns sneaking into her kitchen area to set up the surprise.....all focusing around the theme of Life Savers.
Each of us created contributions to the party.... Here's a scepter made by Kate....on a hand dyed table cloth (blue the color of Val's clothing memory). Denny made silk screens with Life Saver images....unfortunately, my photo didn't come out well enough to share with you....but what a fabulous idea!!
A crown was also made by Kate
There were several Life Saver necklaces.....made by Judy and Gen....
Party hats made by Kate...
And a lemon cheese cake made by me. A fun time was had by pick a theme or subject for a project or a party and start having fun!