Wednesday, March 12, 2025


 As the saying goes.....'She who dies with the most fabric wins''s kinda an unsettling thought.  However, spending time this week measuring and labeling fabric for sale at the upcoming May, 2025, Roseville Quilt Guild was certainly on my mind!

The guild is a recipient of fabric and other sewing supplies donations by members and the community at large.  This is a welcome financial resource to aid the guild in their own service projects and help with the cost of their programs and quilt show. 

I was astonished seeing a garage full of bins and so many members hard at work measuring & labeling.  They have another storage unit with even more bins!

Seriously, there will be some really good bargains ahead for attendees at this show, never mind the incredible quilts on display!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Oh my gosh, that's a lot of fabric. You've been down this road before, right? A nice addition to the show.