Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Despite my dread of these two wheeled vehicles.....'the husband' wore me down.  I finally relented and agreed not to put up a fuss if he purchased one.  He's thrilled....our area is motorcycle heaven.  Lot's of curvy roads with beautiful scenery.

However, I refuse to go along.  Our personable mail delivery gal teases us about my fear of the road.  Recently, she set my husband up on a blind date with a fellow midwesterner who is in the process of building a home nearby who was looking for a riding partner.  The 'boys' enjoyed their first date about a week ago.

David - aka 'the husband' and his BMW

Now David has two playmates.....our new friends Lee and his wife Janet, originally from Milwaukee.  They'll be returning to their lake home in Michigan in May until their mountain home is complete when they'll come back and live here full time.  (Clearly, Janet is NOT afraid of motorcycles!)

The weather has turned warm and beautiful.  Since the leaves are still not filled out, riding is a joy because you can see forever.  Unfortunately, David's 'seat time' is on hold.....he got called for jury duty and has been serving since Monday.  He's hoping to be released at the end of the week.  I'm trying to keep myself busy in my studio....yeah!!!!