Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Getting up at 4:30 AM to travel should be the most exciting part of one's day.....NOT.  Upon final descent in Ft. Myers we were suddenly diverted to Tampa.  The nose gear of this private Lear jet collapsed during landing and was blocking the runway, thus closing the airport for 3 hours.  Fortunately, no one was hurt.  

Our plane didn't have enough fuel to continue to circle so we made a side trip to Tampa for refueling and to wait for the airport to reopen.  I finally arrived in Ft. Myers about 3 hrs. late and more drama to share about traveling!

Cool hotel provided packaged sanitizers......I used it for my phone and TV remote!!

I was upgraded to a mini suite.....couch/chair and happily, a king size bed with 5  pillows!  This is pitiful,  it only took me 10 mins. to destroy the lovely appearance of the room as I unloaded my 3 suitcases and book boxes, in a rush to prepare for the evening lecture.

The Ft. Myers Quilters were such a receptive and engaging was certainly fun to share my work with their members.  I'm Pooped....need to sign off and get to bed. Thanks for being here!