Friday, September 6, 2024


I have an inspiration fabric to share today.......the design hit me the minute I uncovered this piece in my stash.......stay tuned....sewing has already begun. 

The scenery here is still so unfamiliar to me........cloudless blue skies daily which brings the negative result of constant's been 100 degree days for several months now, today's prediction - 107.  What on earth am I doing living in such an unfriendly environment??  This is 6:45 AM Sept. 6th.....we do our forced march just before the sun comes up, never to leave home till it goes down.  (kidding, sort of)

After major nagging on my part, 'the husband' finally selected car related photos to be hung in the man cave.  It's probably less than half the number that remains.  Selection made (check), layout tested (check), the hanging part begins........

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Oh those temps! We've had an unusually hot summer in FL, too. Ugly hot some days. And yes, busy- who knew retired would be so busy? But that's the good news really. Stay tuned- we are following in your footsteps and planning a downsize. eek.