
Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Here's a final look at our 2016 PTA retreat....sigh, we weren't able to book our regular March dates, so we now have to wait till April 2017 for our next (9th) annual retreat.
Each year I marvel at the fabric choices Leigh Anne chooses for her unlike anything I'd ever select, yet I just love what she creates.  NOTE to self:  get out of your comfort zone!!
Linda Cantrell who is known nationally for her exceptionally well designed and executed applique quilts has been informing us for the last couple of years that she has entered 'quilter's block'. She tends to concentrate now on reading (lots and lots and lots of books on her Kindle) and knitting lots and lots of socks.  Don't you just love this color combo too?
I also have to share this with you.  Dear Gen handed me a gift bag.....what?  why?  I do have a BIG milestone birthday coming up next month but really, it's next month and we don't normally exchange presents.  Much to my delight, inside were these 'Packer' colored socks Gen knitted for me. She had planned to give them to me during the playoffs, but when Green Bay lost she thought she better wait. Thank you Gen!! You know I'll treasure they will now be my lucky game day socks.

Noticeably absent are photos or info about our actual 'free' time.  We rent a big house that sleeps 14.  There's a large kitchen table where we all gather for Happy Hour and after dinner. Honestly, we act like we aren't well fed 3 times a day here, considering the amount of snacks we bring and consume.  

BUT, like the saying goes....What happens in Las Vegas......  You know the rest....and that's our motto.  I can assure you, a big time is had by all, constant giggling and staying up way too late are always a given. 

I'm not much of a game player but each year several games are brought and often we actually play them.  This is a new one and what's funny about new games is that even after reading the one can remember them.  Naturally that causes more hooting and hollering and lots of laughs.
Working in teams of 2, we really enjoyed this one because there was no math and not a lot of thinking necessary.  Hey....if it's suitable for an 8 year old....we decided we could handle it.
I will share one of the many, many silly things that went on.  One of our members is going to be a grandma for the first time.  She learned while we were there that it will be a boy.  So, the next morning I passed out blue strips of fabric for each of us to wear.....we waited to see if she noticed them.  Obviously, with the one tied to Georgia's glasses just above her nose.....our snorts of laughter got her attention.  

This year several videos were made which will NEVER be posted anywhere....we all promised!!  Sorry that's such a tease.  We have a tendency to get really silly and make phone calls to members who weren't able to join us.  One of our members is an excellent mimic and has Lilly Tomlin's "ringy dingy' routine down pat. All I can say is it's hysterical and we get hysterical.  Wish you all could be flies on the wall...... 

So....the moral of these three yourself a favor....grab a couple of like minded pals, go off and be carefree for whatever time you can spare.  It will bring you much happiness and many memories.


  1. Great fun, great socks! I'm doing just what you did next month. A quilting freind is flying down from the Northeast and we are renting a beach condo for several days of sewing, refreshing, relaxing. Who knows, it could grow into a group thing like yours.

  2. loving the quilt what great fun you all had wish I had been a fly on the wall!

  3. You are pals are wonderful and recharges us!!!
