
Tuesday, March 15, 2016


As usual, and you all know what I mean, intentions to document the event fell way short....but hopefully you'll enjoy these snippets.
 Barbara's project.....and she graciously shared the technique for making these lopsided motifs.  (As much as I love the look, you can be sure you'll never see it flowing from my machine as my attention span couldn't handle the process.)
 Judy spent time finishing some pieces for our joint exhibit at the NC Arboretum in April.  A piece of her marble-printing is featured in the background, the 3-D dyed and stitched leaves add another design element.  She machine quilted it and added a snappy color binding to really set the whole thing off.  LOVE it.
 Kate is THE FASTEST and most accurate sewer I know.  She's dedicates a lot of time making charity quilts like this one.  Her excellent machine quilting will be the icing on the cake (quilt!)
Here's another one Kate made.  She came with her strips cut, but seriously, I probably made only 4 or 5 blocks (with my pre-cut strips) and yup....she was already finished with this one!
 Georgia Bonesteel was also in a finish up mood.  This large block is pieced to perfection. She knows so many short cuts and tricks for accurate piecing.
Georgia worked on this piece first as it needed to be finished for an upcoming weekend baby shower.  What a very special gift! 
This is another project Georgia brought to work on. I'm not sure what was the story behind it.....but I believe she was going to add more borders.

So...this is a little peak at some of the pieces our group worked on.  A final post is coming tomorrow.


  1. You are all so talented and work on such great projects. I'm getting inspired to finish up some UFO's before I start new pieces!

  2. Such beautiful & inspiring collection of projects. Makes me want to march right into the studio & get to work!

  3. lots of variety here can see you all had a productive ime along with some fun and friendship and no doubt a glass or two
