
Thursday, March 17, 2016


From time to time I've mentioned my gratitude over the generosity of my dear friend Helen.  I met her oh so many years ago at the NW Suburban Quilters Guild in suburban Chicago.  

Despite my two moves to two different states, we've remained in touch.  She has an enormous fabric collection....the good stuff.....nothing from Walmart or JoAnne's.  She's shared boxes and boxes of batiks, Japanese inspired prints, hand dyed, and lots of black and whites with me. When I say that about 1/4 of my current fabric stash came directly from her I'm not exaggerating.  
Helen just completed this stunning quilt. I LOVE, LOVE everything about it, esp. knowing how thoughtful she'd been to combine and utilize as much of these rare (original) Dutch wax batik prints as possible.  I'm not sure of the size, but know it's not small....Helen makes BIG quilts.  Click on the image to feast on these gorgeous fabrics.

Beautiful, no???


  1. I love your batik fabrics. I love Delft Blue look of your top! Your design is amazing!! Great job. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I just want to make this friend Helen made this quilt......I'm a bystander here...

  3. I have a good collection of those blue Dutch wax prints too. Even though blue is not a favorite color, I like those.

    If you turn off the lightbox feature in your settings we could enlarge your photo by clicking on it.

  4. Mary here......I don't know what you mean by lightbox feature....can't find it in my this on the computer or Blogger? I am on a Mac with the newest software and when I click on the photo it automatically enlarges. If you all can't, it's either a computer vs computer issue or a setting I should know about. Will continue to explore.....

  5. Thanks to's the instructions to allow a reader to easily enlarge a posted photo:

    "It is in Blogger. If you notice on some blogs you can click on the photo once to enlarge and then get a magnifying glass so you can click again and really enlarge. Go to settings, posts and comments and about halfway down the page is POSTS, and the last item is Showcase images with Lightbox. Set it for NO and then go to the SAVE SETTINGS box, top right corner and click on it."

  6. Beautiful yes! And there's just something about a classic blue & white quilt especially. with these special fabrics.

  7. Yes, it is beautiful! One you would like to see in person to appreciate!

  8. what an amazing quilt Helen has made, such lovely batik fabrics. I was able to click on the photo and it enlarged for me and I have a lap top
