
Saturday, September 5, 2015


Though I've been blogging since 2008, it remains so very flattering to receive acknowledgement from other bloggers.  Kristen Mendes nominated me for the Liebster Award.  Many long time bloggers will be familiar with this clever method of introducing bloggers to new sites of merit. 

The concept is explained well on Kristen's blog, where you will find 4 other worthy bloggers you will probably want to follow.  Click here for the details.

I've participated several times before, as have most of my blogger pals.....none of whom wished to do another round.  So, I have no list to share.....but I do want to express how exciting it is that new bloggers continue to join the blog world.

To get better acquainted, nominees are asked to answer several questions.....heck, I've been around the quilt world so long.....most have already been asked and answered....but in the spirit of this award, here's my brief submission: 
1. How, why & when did you start blogging? Christmas Eve 2007....tutored by my DIL's Argentinan SIL.  The purpose was to provide students more access to how I create my work.
2. What inspires you most in life? The materials in my studio.
3. Are you a cat person or a dog person? Or neither?  Actually given a choice, neither, though our rescue black lab has wormed her way into my heart.
4. Where do you hope to be in 10 years’ time?  Alive in my studio!
5. What is your go-to Karaoke song? Oh my, I've never experienced Karoke.
6. Favorite city? Hummm....though I couldn't wait to leave my Wisconsin hometown when I was may be my choice now....if it didn't have winter!
7. What is one thing you wish you were better at?  Drawing
8. Describe your ideal summer’s Day?  Gathering with the other 5 members of Fiber Junkies (my small fiber group)
9. What song always makes you want to get up and dance?  'Walk Don't Run' (1960) The Ventures -(am I dating myself!?!?)  NOTHING IN THIS WORLD MAKES ME THINK OF MY TWIN SISTER MORE THAN THIS SONG....HEAR IT HERE.
10. Your biggest crafting/sewing disaster to date.  Really, I can't honestly think of motto has always been, "Mistakes are merely design opportunities!"
11. What is at the top of your bucket list? needle became a magic carpet for over 25 years.  It gave me the opportunity to travel all over the world.....I couldn't have dreamed of a better way to complete a bucket list.

Thank you for thinking of me Kristen!


  1. Fun and interesting responses Mary! I particularly love how you wrote that your needle is your magic carpet! What a beautiful thought!

  2. Think I remember some of this about you but always good for a refresher! HA

  3. good to read and find out more about you
