
Monday, September 7, 2015


Our DIL accepted a new position closer to where they will be living during their 12 month remodel process.....wisely eliminating a long commute to San Francisco in favor of only 5 blocks.  Work environments certainly have changed from my oh so many, many years ago, 9-5 work world.
 Her stunning office complex is an artists' delight....clearly art is collected and appreciated.  The following pieces are only a small smattering of items on display.  BUT....the first thing I noticed was the wood paneling....if you look closely you can see that this section is actually cabinets!  This is recycling at its best....the carefully chosen and positioned wood sections came from old torn down San Francisco buildings.
Next my attention was drawn to the carpeting. I loved how the colorful sections broke up the long hallway expanses and were reflected by the glass panels, contrasted by the antique wood walls.
 I began snapping photos immediately but neglected to obtain the name of the artist who created this stunning piece made of fused glass. I managed to slow down my excitment in an attempt to document the art pictured below.
 'Entangles" - oil and mixed media on canvas - Artist:  John Belingheri 
(I missed this title) Medium:  Paper and ink - Artist: Wynne Hayakaw
 Naturally the work stations are outfitted with ergonomic chairs and of course for those that 'exercise ball'.
 'Euphorbia' # 4 & 5 - latex and resin on panel - Artist:  Kim Squaglia
 '4 Squared' - crocheted, fabricated metal - Artist:  Tracy Krumm
**this piece was very large....perhaps 10' feet x 6'
'Roadside Attractions' - mixed media collage - Artist:  Barbara Kronlins

This is a detail of another large piece, but due to reflection, the full size photo isn't very viewable......but worth seeing in this small section!

Thank you Kelly for the visit to your place of employment.....eye candy for sure!!!


  1. What a lovely work environment - at least *I* like the way it is decorated and the reuse of wood. Put me to thinking of what the places I worked at looked like in terms of art - not much as I did so much work in retail and school offices. But the last place I worked was co-owned by a guy who also had several art galleries so he often brought pieces in to adorn our walls. Not necessarily to my liking though. He was big on Beverly Doolittle and her "camouflage" art. Most of us were less impressed with her!

    This batch of artwork though - I would enjoy working with it over my shoulder. And the carpet - I love the rectangles of color in that carpet!

  2. these pieces may not be quilts but I can certainly see that the patterns could be adapted, an excellent range of creativity

  3. What a fun post Mouse! Glad you found it inspiring. Sure helps frame my attitude when going into the office every day!
