
Saturday, November 8, 2014


I'm feeling pressured to get this piece mounted and ready to sell.  But, it's pressure I'm putting on myself for no good reason.  Perhaps a week away from studio projects is the reason.... I already have a large inventory of pieces for my gallery what's the rush??

I managed to find a canvas wrapped frame in a suitable size.....and in short order secured a thin layer of batting to it.

 Next I located my stash of black silk noil in the first place I looked! ( looks grey here.)  In order to keep this rather flimsy fabric on grain, I like to mark the required size with basting.
 Moving at warp speed now.....the fabric is temporarily positioned on the frame, topped with the wool piece.  YUCK.....I don't think I like it.  It seems so menacing.....or perhaps that's just my take at this moment.
 Now I'm really second guessing I haul out other options for the background.  This looks better in the photo than in person......scratch it from consideration.

 Here's a dark grey hand-dyed cotton as an option.

And now a slightly lighter version.  At the moment....none are really exactly what I had in mind.  Which is such a bummer as I wanted to finish it today....instead I've taken photos and fled to my computer to have a little pity party.  I'm going to ponder a bit more....maybe I won't mount it on a frame after all.......decisions, decisions.......


  1. Hi Mary,
    I can definitely relate to your indecision and second guessing as I have recently been to a framers to get a quote on having a couple of hand worked pieces framed.
    Hours later I think I'm happy with my choices, but it is so expensive.
    The professionals were very patient and helpful with their suggestions.
    They suggested using one of the main colours of my piece for the matting, perhaps this would work well for your gorgeous sunset and birds.
    It really is a lovely design so I hope you find a background to do it justice.

  2. You're right about the black looking menacing. Do you have any yellow or the darkest orange/brown that matches what's in the felt? Otherwise, this may be one that just needs to stand on its own, maybe with some black beads around the edge like piping. Did I say add beads? ;-)

  3. my personal choice is the black wonder what you will settle on

  4. When you have to try out every color in every shade that's in the piece, it's time to do just what you have done...let it simmer. The right choice will become apparent. I would probably look for something shiny or sparkly just to add to the confusion!! Remember--retirement--no deadlines!

  5. I'm letting it simmer so much I fear a boiling point any moment......thank you everyone for your thoughts!
