
Sunday, November 9, 2014


The indecisive struggle I'm having about how to finish my latest felt piece did not have a miraculous solution overnight.  However, I'm leaning more and more toward allowing it to be a stand alone it was originally intended. 

It's a good thing I work on a number of projects simultaneously as I'll be doing some passive designing on that piece while mindlessly stitching a lap quilt.
We recently did some furniture shifting in our great room.....lack of ample seating has kept this chair in play....though the light fabric stands out too much in the room. I selected this lap quilt from my stash to help tone it down, however 'the husband' doesn't like the busy pattern. (Note...he's not the artist in the family...but is someone who always seems to have an opinion anyway!*!)
 The room features mostly blues with red accents.  Okay....I'm going with a simple non-pattern and lots of red.  Being kinda a control freak......I've cut a bunch of patches and am arranging them piece by piece, vertical row by vertical row to achieve what I hope is a nice balance.  
 When about 3 rows are arranged....they are stitched vertically and I begin the process all over again.  The rows are narrow....only 3" finished....hummm....I should have made then wider as I'm tiring of the process already and my fingers are itching for beads! 



  1. Ooo - I like this new one. I know it goes more slowly with smaller pieces but I think you'd lose the beauty of the design in a larger format. Plus I think it might use up more fabric! There, did I make you feel any better? ;-) The husband better like have my permission to thump him if he vetoes this one!

  2. I love this piece!!! Really interesting pattern and will look good on the chair too!!! HA We do have to keep busy don't we!! Go Packs...Lions are ahead (so far)...but that may not last long..

  3. these strips look so good together and will look very nice on the chair never mind what the DH thinks what does he know!
