
Friday, November 7, 2014


I returned yesterday afternoon from my 2nd to last travel teaching trip......conflicted about my decision to retire after spending days with such wonderful quilters and my exceptionally great hostesses.

However, I won't easily forget the trip getting to Vermont which was so stressful (not a suprise with 3 flights) but the added drama to 1 mechanical, 1 delay waiting for crew, a sprint literally from one end of an airport to another to catch my connection almost takes the joy out of traveling.  NOT to mention, screaming babies, a child kicking the back of my seat for 2 hrs. (I'm sure the mother thought her darling was too adorable to scold, cause she never said a word.)  Super crowded aircrafts with folks squeezed into too little seats.  The final straw was the 30ish young man sitting next to me on a commuter flight playing some sort of video game using an ipad.  HE WAS DRIVING a race car by flinging his arms, while holding his device.  I thought he would give me a knock out punch at any moment.

If anyone lives or is visiting the Burlington area before January.....I highly recommend visiting the Shelburne Museum's Civil War textile exhibit.  It was awesome!!!  Thank you to Janet for taking me.

 I'd been concerned about the timing of this trip ever since it was booked.....thinking....hummmm  Vermont in Nov. could mean dealing with winter weather.  Funny thing....this is what I left but it was beautiful there!
 Everyone knows I'm such a hotel I truly don't expect the 4 Seasons but Motel 6 doesn't make me a happy traveler.  Yeah......look was luxury greeted me as I checked into my hotel......
 Several students are giving new homes to some of my small quilts.....Notice how both Janet (above) and Claire (below) have selected quilts that match what they were wearing.  

The last evening included a visit to charming downtown Vermont with a super delicious dinner of grilled salmon artfully garnished with tasty additions.
It had gotten a bit chilly and windy so we didn't linger, but I could easily envision a day of strolling the brick streets and interesting shops.  My first of 3 flights for home departed at 6:00 an early evening was definitely in order.

Now, I have to get busy unpacking and reorganizing for my upcoming trip to Boc Raton, addition to 2 fiber meetings next week and hopefully some stitching.


  1. You've reminded me why I stopped traveling to teach! The actual teaching and the students are wonderful, it's all the other stuff that gets you.

  2. What an up and down trip. At least you got some exercise running through the airport. ;-)

    A bolster? I don't think I've ever had a room with a bolster, and I've stayed in some pretty questionable motels. Hoping your final teaching trip is nothing but first class. At least it should be warmer?

  3. You are a better woMAN than I am, that's for sure. I was exhausted just reading aout your trip...although that food looked pretty good to me! Yea....I'm a foody for sure!
