
Sunday, March 30, 2014


Do you ever get the itch to move?  Maybe there's no real reason to move....but the challenge of decorating all over again is compelling?  That's been me lately!

 Well....we aren't moving...even though AGAIN today we've got a terrific snow/ice storm threatening to blow the house down!  Spring...where are you??

Okay, my rant is over.....  We've had this almost identical wall of family photos in our last 3 homes.
 ...and it's time for a change!
"The husband" spent hours scanning and cleaning up several photos, then calibrating his computer screen to obtain a quality black and white print.

BUT....never, ever hang pictures with 'the husband'...enough said!!!
The lamp was removed for a cleaner look.....we didn't use it anyway.
Now finally, there is a place to display my bowl of hand felted faux river rocks!  It's up high...out of reach of our ALWAYS hungry black lab who ate the entire first bowl full of these time consuming to make treasures.


  1. I have to admit the new pics look really nice...better than before...funny how w
    e just get used to 'things' hubby made me take all pics down! So now I have them on/in our bedroom side bars! He he

  2. the black and white photos look good, trust the dog was not sick after eaitng the rocks
