
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A BEADED CABOCHON's Tuesday already!?!?  Seriously, days are simply disappearing on me.....  There probably won't be a heck of a lot to share this week since I'm  preparing kits and packing up for another teaching trip over the weekend to the Evening Star Quilt Guild in GA.....but of course a day wouldn't be complete without and stitching's one of the three current projects I'm working on.
 I began the designing around a beautiful cabochon, gifted to me by Janet's a treasure!  I've gathered some compatible colors of felted wool and pulled out a circle template.
 Then a little auditioning of shapes and colors was in order.
 This combo seemed to show off the cab nicely.  After it was beaded to the layers, hand embroidery was added.
 BUT...and it's a BIG BUT.....what to do next??
 It's been days between the completion of the first design element and I'm still struggling to come up with other design elements that don't look so staged.  I may abandon the circle theme....
It's still sitting on my design wall....waiting for a new direction.....maybe I'll narrow the background, add some beads and frame seems to want to be smaller than what I originally planned.

Does that happen to you too?  When new quilters hear the phrase ' the quilt led me'.....they look at you like deer caught in headlights.  WHAT?? Led you??  But if you listen....and are patient (not my strong point).....the quilt often will do just that.

So....I'm listening and waiting.....ideas are welcome...bring them on......


  1. Lovin this piece...but I'm not good at giving others direction! Ha Struggle too much on my own! HA interesting you are going to the ESQ!! We had a group by the same name and YEARS ago I hooked up with a lady from that group. We exchanged blocks from our respective groups!!! I still have mine...each member signed and sent their blocks onto their group in GA! I feel bad I don't remember the name...but maybe one of the older members will remember this challenge we did! I know I have info on my desktop back home...but doesn't do me good here does it! Anyway, tell them Robbie Payne from Michigan ESQ says hello, if you would!

  2. What a great circle template - where did you find that? Mine does not go up nearly that big.

    As for quilts leading the way - yes, this happens to me all the time. I always say I just can't visualize well, or make the transition from my head to the real thing. It's why I take breaks to iron...

    You may be right about this one needing to be cropped. Otherwise it may loose the impact of the focal point. I really like the offset layered circles under the cabochon. I think you've added just the right amount of beading and embroidery around it.

  3. looking good so far, very pretty stone and the pink works so well with it. When you come back from your trip and see it again hopefully inspiration will take over and you will complete it

  4. In answer to Idaho Beauty's question.....there is no marking on the circle I can't guide you to a source. I purchased it at least 10 years ago at an office supply store.
